Order Photo Prints


      I've still got lots going on in my life right now, but I made a little time to take photos this afternoon. I messed with flashes and lamps and lights to get the lighting right, and honestly as I took the photos I thought they'd end up as trash. But I tried editing them anyway and got them to look a little grunge-y and I am SUPER happy with the results! 
        Hopefully I'll be back regularly soon. I have a couple of long weekends coming up where I might be able to make some posts!

October Photo Diary + Update!

Hello! It's been a while, I know, and I can't guarantee I'll be back on here regularly for another while... Life gets in the way. But it has been an interesting few weeks, so why not show you a few pictures and give a little update?
Mid-October, I met up with some other teenagers I met on Instagram to take photos downtown, and ended up with this, which is one of my new favorites of mine.
Later on, my new Kanken backpack that I had been dying to order came in the mail! I use it for school now and it's perfect.
The sky was so beautiful and hazy I had to take a few pictures... Not without my new backpack, of course.
This isn't all that artistic, but I went to the first party I've ever been to as a high school student (even though I've been in high school for a year and two months. So that's why it's a big deal!) it was a halloween party for people involved in the school musical and I dressed up as Wednesday Addams.
I finished off the chaos of quarter finals week with a mango passionfruit macaron, aka heaven.

And lately, I've also been:

Costuming: If you remember, I got laryngitis the day of my musical audition and didn't make it, but now I'm on the costumes crew! It's more work than fun but it's nice to be involved in the show. 

Jamming out: listening to a lot of Florence and the Machine.

Dreading: my quarter report card. I have a geography teacher I just can't argue with. 

Loving: Choir. I love to sing and it's wonderful to have a class I can look forward to every day. Most of the girls are in the grade below me, but I'm still making friends there and now I have a nice little support group of girls, who gave me the boost I needed to ask a boy to the school dance… and he said yes! (Cue internal freak-out!)

So there's my exciting news for you, I hope I can be back soon!